Death of a Festival
The last
1. We can't treat land we love that way anymore. That many cars and people are not good for the delicate forest.
2. We need to move beyond "land acknowledgement" and there was not enough connection to indigenous leadership or native communities in that bioregion to continue gathering there.
3. Festival culture is not meeting the needs of the world in which we find ourselves today.
We honor the insight, connection, and inspiration from our gatherings that continue to nourish us to this day. We celebrate our shared joy and love.
When we dream of "a sneak peek at the new paradigm" today, we see less bright lights and bass and more food security, regenerative agriculture, and ecosystem restoration.
We embrace death
as the site of
new growth.
Composting Beloved Festival is necessary for our next phase: Beloved Emergence.
every ending
is a
Beloved Emergence is a community-activated ecological restoration land project where the soil itself is generated from human bodies.
You read that correctly.
This is the story of how a festival became a cemetery!
With nearly a dozen state, local, and federal partners, we have already begun several restoration projects on 600 acres in Washington on the lands of the Cowlitz, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians using composted humans as soil amendments.

This is the only project of its kind in the world.
Soon, we will tell you more about the project, the school, the dance floor, the workshops and the coalitions being built on the land.
With gratitude beyond words for all that Beloved has been, for all the learning, loving, dancing and grieving we did together, and for all of you who made it all possible.
Thank you.
May our memories of Beloved Festival be a blessing. May we move now from a place of deep care for how precious and fragile the web of life is from human impact. May we soften into the soil of our ongoing return.
Beloved is Dead!
Long Live the Beloved Dead!